Research by Sherr and Co-authors Studies Policy to Improve Retention in Antiretroviral Therapy for HIV
Posted: 10/12/2023 (CSDE Research)
CSDE Affiliate Kenneth Sherr (Global Health) and co-authors recently published their research in The Lancet HIV, titled “Impact of differentiated service delivery models on 12-month retention in HIV treatment in Mozambique: an interrupted time-series analysis“. HIV treatment has been available in Mozambique since 2004, but coverage of, and retention in, antiretroviral therapy (ART) remain suboptimal. Therefore, to increase health system efficiency and reduce HIV-associated mortality, in November, 2018, the Ministry of Health launched national guidelines on implementing eight differentiated service delivery models (DSDMs) for HIV treatment. The authors assessed the effect of this implementation on retention in ART 12 months after initiation, and explored the associated effects of COVID-19. They find that the implementation of eight DSDMs for HIV treatment had a positive impact on 12-month retention in ART. COVID-19 negatively influenced this outcome.