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Guttmannova and Colleagues Study Rates of Young Adult Impaired Driving After Cannabis Retail Outlets Open in Washington State

Posted: 5/10/2024 (CSDE Research)

CSDE Affiliate Katarina Guttmannova (Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences) co-authored a new study in Prevention Science, entitled “Young Adult Alcohol and Cannabis Impaired Driving After the Opening of Cannabis Retail Stores in Washington State“. Motor vehicle crashes are a leading cause of death for young adults (YA) in the USA, and driving under the influence of alcohol (DUIA), cannabis (DUIC), and simultaneous use of both substances (DUIAC) are prominent risk factors. Trends in YA impaired driving behaviors after opening of cannabis retail stores have been understudied. Authors examined YA trends in DUIA, DUIC, and DUIAC from immediately prior through 5 years following the opening of cannabis retail outlets in Washington State (2014–2019).
