*New* IPUMS Data and Updates
Posted: 5/10/2024 ()
The IPUMS team is excited to announce new functionality from IPUMS MEPS that allows you to easily build custom summary variables. IPUMS PMA has released new longitudinal and cross-sectional data, and IPUMS CPS has added new topical supplement data. Read the full story for the latest from IPUMS HQ, details on talking data to us over the summer, and their new blog post about the latest data release from IPUMS International.
IPUMS MEPS recently released the IPUMS MEPS Event Summary Variable Builder tool, allowing data users to define new person-level variables that summarize information from the event and medical conditions data. Try it out today!
IPUMS PMA has added Phase 3 data of the longitudinal panel on family planning for Cote d’Ivoire, India (Rajasthan), Niger, and Uganda. This release also includes the latest cross sectional data from Cote d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, India (Rajasthan), Niger, and Uganda.
IPUMS CPS has released the most recent Tobacco Supplement (September 2022) and Veterans Supplement (August 2023) data as well as the March 2024 telework variables.
The Census Bureau is inviting feedback on a proposed test of questions about sexual orientation and gender identity in the ACS. View the federal register notice and submit feedback by May 30. 2024.