Van Draanen, Williams, Hill, and Rowhani-Rahbar Consider How the Earned Income Tax Credit Affects the Likelihood of Substance Use Disorder and Overdose
Posted: 5/31/2024 (CSDE Research)
CSDE Affiliates Jenna Van Draanen (Child, Family & Population Health Nursing), Emily Williams (Health Systems and Population Health), Heather Hill (Public Policy & Governance), Ali Rowhani-Rahbar (Epidemiology), and colleagues released research in Drug and Alcohol Dependence, titled “No Change in Substance Use Disorders or Overdose After Implementation of State Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)“. Inadequate income is associated with higher likelihood of experiencing a substance use disorder (SUD). This study tests whether the earned income tax credit (EITC), which issues supplemental income for workers with children in the U.S., is associated with lower rates of SUD and fatal overdose.