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Subsidy Overlaps in Federal Housing Policy are Examined by Colburn, Acolin, and Walter

Posted: 6/7/2024 (CSDE Research)

CSDE Affiliates Gregg Colburn (Real Estate), Author Acolin (Real Estate), and Rebecca Walter (Real Estate) authored new research in Housing and Policy Debate, titled “Subsidy Overlaps in Federal Housing Policy“. There is limited and incomplete empirical evidence that documents the extent of overlap, or layering, between federal housing programs, including supply-side subsidies, such as the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC), and demand-side rental assistance. Importantly, we know little about how the overlap varies by time, by geography, and in different housing market conditions. This project uses administrative data collected by federal agencies and public housing authorities to describe over time, at the national level, (a) the percentage of rental assistance recipients that reside in LIHTC units, (b) the percentage of LIHTC units that house a tenant who receives rental assistance, and (c) the number of LIHTC developments that include at least one recipient of rental assistance.
