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Jones and Schleimer Co-Author Story in the Seattle Times on Violence Intervention Programs

Posted: 7/25/2024 (CSDE Research)

CSDE Affiliate Kristian Jones recently co-authored an article with UW Department of Epidemiology Doctoral Candidate Julia Schleimer in the Seattle Times titled, “Violence Intervention Programs Need Time to Demonstrate Impact.” Dr. Jones and Schleimer are also a part of the UW Firearm Injury & Policy Research Program where they research recent investments in community violence intervention. The article contextualizes questions about whether rates of violence have changed as a result of investing in these interventions and whether it is reasonable to expect immediate changes. Following the many events that occurred during the pandemic, governments began to invest in a different kind of public safety strategy, called community violence intervention. This strategy, “supports individuals at highest risk for interpersonal violence.” Dr. Jones and Schleimer state that while all programs are working towards preventing violence, it is a longer-term goal that will likely take years to see because community violence intervention programs are working against deeply rooted systems. Read the rest of the article to learn more about these intervention programs and other important information. 
