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Win Brown Co-Authors Article in The Conversation Discussing the Pronatalist Movement

Posted: 8/22/2024 (CSDE Research)

Many countries around the world have been faced with shrinking populations, resulting in major economies attempting to engineer higher birth rates. This practice is called pronatalism, which encourages the bearing of children with government support to create a higher birth rate. Those who push this practice often are those who fear that falling birth rates in developed countries will lead to the extinction of cultures, a crash of economies, and the collapse of civilization. However, high birth rates don’t necessarily mean that all of the world’s problems are fixed as it can cause resource depletion and environmental degradation. CSDE Affiliate Win Brown and his co-author Emily Klancher Merchant discuss in the article, “The problem with pronatalism: Pushing baby booms to boost economic growth amounts to a Ponzi scheme,” how it is notoriously hard to change birth rates, a new pronatalist movement, how pronatalism can be seen as a Ponzi scheme, government intervention in reproduction, and more. Read the article to learn more about the pronatalist movement.
