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Goldhaber Featured in Seattle Times Article on COVID’s Lasting Impact on Washington Schools

Posted: 9/19/2024 (CSDE Research)

In the past few years, Seattle has been doing okay with digging out of the pandemic with the job market increasing and transit recovering, however, new state test results are showing that learning loss is something that Washington is still recovering from. According to the Seattle Times article, “New test scores show WA schools aren’t over COVID. They could be,” standardized test scores show that about 9% more students are testing below grade level than they did before the pandemic. The tests also found that only 50.3% of students are reading at or above their grade level. How does this get fixed? CSDE Affiliate Dan Goldhaber provided some insight on the matter. In a study that he co-authored this summer, he stated that, “federal spending on extra tutoring, summer school, and other catch-up efforts has helped.” However, to recover from the remaining learning losses, he estimates that schools need to spend between $9,000 and $13,000 in additional funds per student. Read the rest of the article to learn how COVID is still affecting Washington students and schools today.
