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Available Data

Over 200 restricted survey and administrative datasets from 16 partner and collaborating agencies from the U.S. federal government are accessible through the NWFSRDC.

We have provided below links to some of the data currently accessible. To explore the full inventory of data and related metadata, visit

The NWFSRDC Administrator Carlos Becerra can also direct you to datasets relevant to your research.

Available Data

U.S. Census Bureau Data

Note: Data available through the Census Bureau includes data from other agencies that is managed by the Bureau. These data come from the following partnering and collaborating agencies, among others:

    • Internal Revenue Service
    • National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics
    • U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
    • Economic Research Service – U.S. Department of Agriculture
    • Social Security Administration
    • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
    • U.S. Energy Information Administration
    • Bureau of Justice Statistics
    • Bureau of Transportation Statistics

Heath Data

Other Agency Data

Data Available via Remote Access

In years past, researchers were only allowed to access the FSRDC restricted microdata in the computer lab. Now, researchers may access a large number of datasets and conduct their research remotely. The only data not available for remote access yet is those provided by NCHS, SAMHSA, and AHRQ.

Click here to find a list of datasets available for remote access and their eligibility conditions. Only researchers on approved projects where all requested datasets are eligible for remote access may apply for this access mode. Contact the NWFSRDC Administrator to learn whether your research may be eligible for remote access.

Impactful Research with FSRDC Data

If you wish to learn more about the types of questions that scientists are able to address within the secure research environment of FSRDCs, click on the links below.