ASA Sociology of Population Section Student Paper Award (3/1/25)
Posted: 2/21/2025 (Funding)
The American Sociological Association’s Sociology of Population section is accepting nominations for the best student paper in the sociology of population. This award consists of a certificate and $500 award. The paper must use a sociological perspective to address an issue of relevance to contemporary demography, broadly construed; purely technical papers are not eligible. The paper can be published or unpublished and should be article-length (approximately 40 pages including tables and figures). Papers can be sole-authored or have multiple student authors. All authors must be currently enrolled in graduate school or have completed their Ph.D. degrees on or after January 1, 2024. No faculty co-authors are allowed.
Please send a letter of nomination with author name(s), title, date of publication, and a brief statement explaining the significance of the work and its contribution to the sociology of population. Self-nominations are welcome. Nominations and a copy of the article should be emailed to all committee members by March 1, 2025. Membership in the Sociology of Population Section of the ASA is not a requirement for the award but is encouraged.
Karen Benjamin Guzzo (Chair), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,
Zoya Gubernskaya, University at Albany,
Ohjae Gowen, Singapore Management University,
Sophia Chae, University of Montreal,
Won-tak Ju, University of Florida,