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*New* IMPRS-PHDS: Call for applications (5/30/25)

Posted: 3/13/2025 ()

CSDE collaborates with the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) in a doctoral training program called the International Max Planck Research School for Population, Health and Data Science (IMPRS-PHDS). This program is based in Rostock, Germany, but includes 12 doctoral programs in the U.S. and Europe. CSDE has one IMPRS-PHDS fellowship application slot available to current CSDE Trainees. The fellowship funding will support a one quarter research stay at the MPIDR any time between July 1, 2025 and June 30, 2026.

Information about the program, the faculty, and partner institutions can be found here.

Applications are due to CSDE by Friday, May 30. Apply here.