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Center for Health Trends and Forecasts at PAA 2017

Posted: 4/25/2017 (Local Events)

The Center for Health Trends and Forecasts will be well-represented at the Population Association of America annual meeting in Chicago, IL, April 26 – 29, 2017. You can catch up with CHTF Deputy Director and CSDE Affiliate Haidong Wang, Project Manager Faye Ziegeweid, and affiliates Joe Friedman and Nick Graetz at the following sessions:

  • Using the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study (GBD) for Research, Wednesday, April 26, 10:00 AM–12:00 PM
    • This workshop will provide background in the GBD measurement philosophy and analytical principles, as well as metrics and mechanics of the study. Components of the training include instruction in the methods behind the GBD approach, key assessment factors for data, the principles underlying the analytic process, and how to interpret results.
  • Introduction to the Global Health Data Exchange and GBD Compare, Wednesday, April 26, 1:00–3:00 PM
    • This workshop will demonstrate how to employ GHDx and GBD Compare to use, critique, and manipulate GBD data and results as well as identify how GBD tools and results can be applied to research health from different perspectives.
  • Poster Session: The Relationship Between Educational Inequality and Health, Thursday, April 27
  • Poster Session: Improving the Comparability of Educational Attainment Estimates: Developing a Method to Reliably Crosswalk Binned Education Data to Single-Year Values, Thursday, April 27
  • Measuring the Geographic Distribution of Maternal Education in Africa, Friday, April 28, 10:55 AM

Or, stop by Exhibit Booth 310 to say hello!

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Date: 04/26/2017

Location: Chicago, IL
