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CSDE Research Affiliate

Adrian Raftery

Professor, Statistics; Professor, Sociology
University of Washington
Tel: 206-543-4505 Box: 354320

CSDE Committees: Executive Committee Member

CSDE Research Areas:

  • Demographic Measurements and Methods
  • Environments and Populations
  • Health of People and Populations
  • Migration and Settlement

In the News:

Adrian E. Raftery is the Boeing International Professor of Statistics and Sociology and a faculty affiliate of the Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences and the Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology at the University of Washington. He works on the development of new statistical methods for the social, environmental and health sciences. An elected member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, he was identified as the world's most cited researcher in mathematics for the decade 1995-2005 by Thomson-ISI. He has supervised 29 Ph.D. graduates, of whom 21 hold or have held tenure-track university faculty positions. Visit this link to view Adrian Raferty's sociology and demography publications.