American Sociological Association Annual Meeting 2018
Posted: 11/14/2017 (Conference)
2018 Call for Submissions Information
The Submission Site for the 2018 program is open. The submission deadline is January 11, 2018, 11:59 p.m. (Eastern). In addition to paper submissions, for the 2018 Annual Meeting, proposals will be accepted for Courses, Workshops, Preconferences, the Sociology in Practice Settings Symposium, and the Teaching and Learning Symposium. Please see the links to the right to view these individual calls.
How to Submit
View the Webinar on “Getting Your Paper on the Program”
All submissions for the 2018 program must be made via the online submission system. The online forms will guide you through the steps required to submit your proposal.
- Log in with your ASA username and password on the portal
- Click on the link “2018 Submissions”
Program Policies
The program policies listed below apply to all organizers and participants.
Open Submissions: The ASA meetings have an open submission policy. Organizers are expected to select for the program the best papers submitted to them. It is against ASA and Program Committee policy for organizers to recruit presenters selectively or to impose their own pre-planned themes on sessions.
Diversity: Much of the vitality of the ASA flows from its diverse membership. With this in mind, it is the policy of the ASA to include people of color, women, sociologists from small institutions or who work in government, business, and other applied settings, and international scholars in all of its programmatic activities and in the business of the Association.
Membership: Individuals who are listed on the program as participants are encouraged to hold membership in ASA. All persons listed as “Session Organizer,” must be members of the ASA.
Registration: All participants on the Annual Meeting program must register for the meeting. A “participant” is anyone who is listed as presenting author, presider, discussant, panelist, critic, workshop leader, discussion leader, table presider, or any other type of presenter
Exemption from participant registration is permitted in the following two cases:
- A non-sociologist who is invited to be a discussant on a paper session and who appears on the program only once may be exempted from the registration requirement. This exemption permits the individual to be listed on the program without registering; it does not provide for a name badge, a complimentary registration, or program packet.
- In cases of multiple-authored papers, co-authors who will not be attending the Annual Meeting are not required to register. However, co-author(s) who do plan to present must register.
Authorship: Only one single-authored paper presentation is permitted. Authors who have more than one single-authored paper accepted must decide which paper will be presented and inform the session organizers promptly.
Participation: Individuals may not be listed on more than two sessions on the program. This includes all participant roles. A “participant” is anyone listed as an author, co-author, presider, discussant, panelist, critic, roundtable presenter, discussion leader, or any similar substantive role on the program. Session organizers are exempt from this policy and there is a “professional service” exemption for workshop leaders and for representatives listed on informational poster sessions. Participants who are accepted to more than two sessions must decide on which sessions to participate and inform the sessions organizers promptly.
Deadline: 01/11/2018