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Python in Geosciences (Don Setiawan presents in eScience Institute Seminar Series, 3/6/18)

Posted: 2/26/2018 (Local Events)

Don Setiawan from UW APL will speak on “Python and R via JupyterHub and server RStudio”.


In recent years, the Python programming language has emerged as a popular choice for geoscientists. Python is an easy to learn, easy to read, fast to write, open source, multi-platform platform language. Accompanying the Python language is a large community of free, open source projects that have facilitated rapid scientific development and data analysis. This informal seminar series focuses on new and existing Python tools and applications within the geoscience community and aims to connect Python users across the UW campus.

This seminar series was started in Fall 2015 by Joe Hamman (formerly at UW-CEE, now with NCAR) and Emilio Mayorga (UW-APL), and is currently coordinated by Emilio with help from Anthony Arendt (UW-APL & eScience Institute) and Don Setiawan (UW-APL). Thanks go to the eScience Institute for their support in hosting the seminars from the start!

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Date: 03/06/2018

Time: 3:30-4:30 PM

Location: WRF Data Science Studio