Caregiving and Family Well-Being in Later Life (CFDR Symposium, 11/8/2018)
Posted: 10/12/2018 (Local Events)
The Center for Family and Demographic Research presents
Caregiving and Family Well-Being in Later Life
Thursday, November 8, 2018 | 8:30 a.m. to 2:45 pm
Most adults experience health declines in later life, often necessitating reliance on caregivers to navigate daily living. Caregiving is primarily performed informally by families, but older adults in advanced age may also turn to paid care. As an aging nation, the U.S. can expect demand for caregiving to grow in the coming years, and this burden is likely to fall on both family members and paid caregivers. The Center for Family and Demographic Research will host three leading scholars who will share their latest research on patterns of informal and formal caregiving and the implications for individual well-being.
This symposium is designed for researchers, faculty and graduate students. There are no CEUs.
Because of limited seating, pre-registration is required. Please contact the CFDR office to pre-register.
It Takes a Convoy: Rethinking the Study of Caregiving and Care Partnerships
Candace L. Kemp, PhD
The Gerontology Institute and Department of Sociology
Georgia State University
Patterns of Family Caregiving within and Across Families
Esther M. Friedman, PhD
Behavioral and Social Scientist
Professor, Pardee RAND Graduate School
Time Use and Experienced Well-being of Older Caregivers: A Sequencing Analysis
Vicki A. Freedman, PhD
Research Professor
Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan
Date: 10/08/2018
Time: 8:30 AM-2:45 PM
Location: Bowling Green State University