Population Health Initiative Pilot Research Grant Brainstorming (Homelessness Research Initiative Meeting, 11/28/2018)
Posted: 11/26/2018 (Local Events)
The Homelessness Research Initiative is organizing a meeting for faculty members who may be interested in applying for a Population Health Initiative Pilot Research Grant. The goal is to brainstorm ideas and potentially foster collaborations for a project related to homelessness for this upcoming grant cycle.
This meeting will take place on November 28th from 3-4pm in Savery Hall 169.
We are trying to gauge interest and decide where to hold this meeting, thus your RSVP is greatly appreciated!
Click here to RSVP to the Population Health Initiative Pilot Research Grant Meeting
Feel free to reach out to Hope Freije at hfreije@uw.edu with any questions you may have.
Date: 11/28/2018
Time: 3:00-4:00 PM
Location: Savery 169