Robert Tennyson is a graduate student in Biocultural Anthropology. He is interested in investigating the pathways through which psychosocial stress in early development affects an individual's behavior and health. He plans to incorporate a variety of biological and demographic techniques to explore both the social and biological aspects of these pathways. Ultimately, he hopes this line of research will lead to a better understanding of modern human diversity as well as the ecological and evolutionary pressures that continually shape humans as a species.
Robert Tennyson is a graduate student in Biocultural Anthropology. He is interested in investigating the pathways through which psychosocial stress in early development affects an individual's behavior and health. He plans to incorporate a variety of biological and demographic techniques to explore both the social and biological aspects of these pathways. Ultimately, he hopes this line of research will lead to a better understanding of modern human diversity as well as the ecological and evolutionary pressures that continually shape humans as a species.