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CSDE Trainee Spotlight: Sarah Stansfield

Posted: 12/14/2019 (CSDE Research)

CSDE Trainee Sarah Stansfield studies a unique facet of anthropology and epidemiology: epidemic modeling and how modeling HIV virulence evolution within networks of people provides critical insights to how HIV evolves in the real world. Not only has she published recent articles on HIV with her CSDE mentor and dissertation advisor CSDE affiliate Steven Goodreau, she also just received a PhD in Biocultural Anthropology and an MPH in Epidemiology this past Fall quarter.

During her time as a student, Sarah has been a member of the Network Modeling Group at UW and an undergraduate mentor with the UW High Performance Computing Club. Her MPH thesis is “Worldwide HIV Virulence Evolution in Response to Changes in Prevalence and Treatment Coverage” and her dissertation title is “The Impacts of Sexual Role, HIV Treatment, and Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Use on HIV Set Point Viral Load: A Network Modeling Study.”

Now upon graduating, Sarah will be a Postdoctoral Scholar-Fellow in the National Library of Medicine (NLM) Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI) training program in the UW Department of Biomedical Informatics and Medical Education.

Here is a link to Sarah’s first peer reviewed article with Steven Goodreau published in Epidemics Volume 26Sexual role and HIV-1 set point viral load among men who have sex with men”

CSDE congratulates Sarah on her accomplishments!
