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Bender, Ellyson, Adhia and Colleagues Examine Survivor-centered Approaches to Address Sexual Violence Amongst College Student-athletes

Posted: 4/19/2024 (CSDE Research)

CSDE Affiliate Avanti Adhia (Nursing) released an article with colleagues in the European Journal of Psychotraumatology, entitled “Developing and implementing survivor-centred approaches for college student-athletes: perspectives from athletic department, Title IX, and campus advocacy personnel“. The article was lead-authored by Anna Bender, a postdoctoral scholar in UW’s School of Medicine, and senior-authored by Alice Ellyson in the Department of Pediatrics. Sexual violence (SV) is a persistent issue on US college campuses, particularly among college student-athletes. Strategies to address SV are urgently needed. Yet, prior research shows that many university practices can be more harmful than helpful to SV survivors and necessitates a reimagination of how institutions support SV survivors. Survivor-centred approaches may be one way to effectively address SV for students, including student-athletes, across college campuses. This qualitative study explored campus personnel experiences with and perceptions of survivor-centred SV prevention and intervention policies and practices on college campuses and examined how these approaches serve SV survivors, including college student-athletes.
