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Donate to CSDE

Support CSDE by Giving Today!

The Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology is a community of faculty, staff, and students who are committed to population research and training at the University of Washington. Our scholars utilize the research center to advance their knowledge on migration, population dynamics, health, family well being, human-environment linkages, and community change.

Contributing to our center, helps support future scholars through student research awards and travel to conferences and workshops. It also supports research on critical regional, national, and global concerns. Your support remains vital to our continuing success.  THANK YOU!

There are four CSDE funds that you may contribute towards. Below, you can learn more about them. Thank you for considering a donation to one or more funds!

Supporting Future Scholars

At CSDE we are dedicated to supporting the next generation of population research scholars through mentoring, providing a vibrant scholarly environment, creating opportunities for professional growth, and supporting their research. The CSDE Student Support Fund provides professional development funding and opportunities to CSDE trainees. The Hirschman Fund provides support for trainees’ research projects.

CSDE Student Support Fund

Giving to the CSDE Graduate Student Support Fund allows Trainees to attend annual meetings with the Population Association of America, a formative step towards a promising academic career.

Charles and Josephine Hirschman Endowed Fund for Graduate Students

This fund will provide broad-based direct financial support to graduate students affiliated with the Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology.

Supporting Research Innovation at CSDE

CSDE provides a dynamic and evolving research infrastructure to support population research through excellent computing resources, an engaging scholarly environment, expert methodological support, and investments in promising research. The following funds provide support for continuing to provide cutting-edge resources for our scholars.

Calvin and Helen Schmid Endowed Fund for the Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology

Provides funds to continue the work of Prof. Calvin Schmid who founded the Center in 1947. A Department of Sociology, College of Arts and Sciences fund.

Friends of Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology

Gifts to Friends of CSDE are used at the discretion of the Center Director. These funds are important to CSDE because they can be used to address pressing issues and their impact is great. Funds can be used for a variety of needs: to address hardship, student travel to a conference, bringing a renowned expert to campus, etc.