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CSDE Research Affiliate

Michele Cadigan

Presidential Postdoctoral Fellow, Arizona State University - Tempe

CSDE Research Areas:

  • Wellbeing of Families and Households

    Dr. Michele Cadigan's work utilizes mixed methodologies to examine intersectional inequality at the intersection of the criminal legal system and economic markets, with a primary focus on cannabis legalization and a secondary focus on monetary sanctions. Specifically, she explores how laws and practices in economic markets and the criminal legal system intersect to construct racial meaning and shape inequality at both macro- and meso-levels. Her work has been published in The Annual Review of Law and Social Science, Russell Sage Foundation: RSF Journal for the Social Sciences, and the Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. Additionally, her work has been supported by national funding organizations such as the National Science Foundation, the Washington Center for Equitable Growth, and the Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy Research.