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CSDE Research Affiliate

Joseph Delaney

Research Associate Professor, Medicine - General Internal Medicine
University of Washington


CSDE Research Areas:

  • Health of People and Populations

In the News:

Joseph Delaney has a strong background in cardiovascular epidemiology, observational HIV work, pharmacoepidemiology, and epidemiological methods.  He has worked extensively looking at cardiovascular complications due to HIV infection and is a co-author of a chapter for the AHRQ user’s guide for developing comparative effectiveness research.  He has published on cutting edge epidemiological methods that are widely applicable to models in HIV-infected populations in both epidemiology and statistics journals. His expertise includes with-in person designs, generalized estimating equations, Bayesian model averaging, linear mixed models, and marginal structural models.  He also does work on substance use as part of a NIDA funded harmonization effort across a range of small clinical trials in HIV-infected participants.  He has extensive experience with using study designs and statistical methods to improve the inference and analysis of observational medical research.  He has successfully graduated four master’s level students (two in pharmaceutical policies and outcomes, two in nutritional sciences) and one PhD student (pharmaceutical outcomes and policy).  He current supervises three master’s level students (two in nutritional sciences, one in epidemiology) and a PhD candidate (epidemiology).  This diverse background in student supervision makes him extremely well suited to be a part of a multi-disciplinary institute like the CSDE and to be highly involved in working with students, both formally and as a part of student committees.  To date, his graduates have typical entered government service (three placed in the Food and Drug Administration) or clinical practice as registered dieticians.