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CSDE Research Affiliate

Monica Keith

Assistant Professor, Anthropology, Vanderbilt University


In the News:

Monica Keith is a biological anthropologist, data scientist, and director of the Anthropological Health & Data Science (AHDS) Lab at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN. She researches health disparities and human variation in a biosocial framework that integrates health, socioecological, and genetic data. Her scholarship is focused on addressing disparities in maternal and reproductive health, child growth and nutrition, disease risk, and cardiometabolic health across the life course. She collaborates on several longitudinal field studies with subsistence-based and Indigenous communities in Dominica, Bangladesh, and Argentina. Her focus on reproductive health also extends to the US, where she works with data from the NIH National Institute of Child Health and Human Development to address racialized disparities in pregnancy and birth outcomes. Another emerging area of her scholarship examines the impacts of climate change and environmental exposures, such as extreme heat and flooding, on human physiology, behavior, and health outcomes.