13th Summer Institute on Migration and Global Health (6/18-6/21)
Posted: 6/2/2018 (Conference)
Although migration is a natural phenomenon that has always been an integral part of human history, the politics, regulations and debates about migration have intensified in recent years. Today, more than ever, institutions that contribute to the advancement and improvement of the human race, need to include migration as a priority area due to the worldwide magnitude of the effects of this phenomenon.
The Annual Summer Institute on Migration and Global Health is an event that has gained national and international recognition, since it is one of the few academic spaces dedicated to present and analyze the interrelation between migration and health, from a multi-disciplinary perspective. The Summer Institute provides researchers, faculty, graduate students and professionals working with migrant communities around the world, a unique opportunity to learn about different health issues that affect mobile populations.
The four-day course includes a combination of lectures, workshops, poster sessions, and field trips, to offer an exceptional opportunity not only to learn, but to create professional networks. This year’s agenda will include content in global and regional policies and strategies to address migrant health, human trafficking, refugee health, mental health, vulnerable populations such as children, elderly and women, research methodologies, and so much more!
Poster Presentations
For Instructions look under the tab “Poster Presentations”.
Location: The California Endowment-Oakland