2018-19 Graduate Staff Assistant with GO-MAP
Posted: 3/30/2018 (Employment)
GO-MAP is seeking two GSAs to be members of a highly collaborative team and serve a primary role in the overall coordination and implementation of programs and events that support outreach and recruitment; retention and professional development; and Graduate School Advancement initiatives focused on serving graduate students of color at the University of Washington. Emphasis placed on applicants who have demonstrated experience and a passion and commitment to social justice, equity, and inclusion.
About GO-MAP
The Graduate Opportunities and Minority Achievement Program (GO-MAP) is a unit of The Graduate School and works with the University to provide an innovative and inclusive graduate student community and experience. GO-MAP takes a leadership role in the recruitment and support of ethnic minority and underrepresented graduate students at the UW. We help build community on and off campus while enhancing scholarship and research. By providing opportunities for graduate students of color to learn and grow through experiences rich in cultural, ethnic and racial diversity, GO-MAP simultaneously enriches the environment for all students, staff, and faculty.
Deadline: 04/12/2018
Location: GO-MAP, University of Washington