Anissa Tanweer on Lessons Learned from Dissertation Fieldwork (QUAL Speaker Series, 11/15/2018)
Posted: 11/9/2018 (Local Events)
Lessons from Ethnographic Fieldwork in the Data Science Environment: Challenges and Opportunities of Studying Up, Over, Across and Through Anissa Tanweer, Ph.D., is a research scientist at the eScience Institute studying the practice and culture of data intensive, computational sciences and technologies. In this talk, she’ll discuss the experience of completing her dissertation project, which involved long-term, interdisciplinary, action-oriented participant-observation within the same institution that funded her research. She will focus on a number of challenges entailed in that work and her strategies for addressing them, including: navigating the blurred lines between research participants, colleagues, mentors and sponsors; managing mountains of qualitative data; picking a path through grounded theory development; and finding an authentic voice when speaking to multiple disciplinary communities.
Date: 11/15/2018
Time: 12:30-1:30 PM
Location: CMU 218D