Call for Papers: AEA CSQIEP Economics of LGBTQ+ Individuals Virtual Seminar Series
Posted: 7/14/2020 (Conference)
The American Economic Association Committee on the Status of LGBTQ+ Individuals in the Economics Profession (CSQIEP) will continue its virtual seminar series this fall. Researchers across the career spectrum are most welcome. We hope you will consider attending and presenting your work.
Job market candidates: We hope this can be an opportunity to support your success on the upcoming job market. We will prioritize you for presentations early in the fall semester.
We want to support those of you who identify as LGBTQ+ regardless of your area of research. We are looking for research in any field by LGBTQ+ job market candidates.
We recognize that presenting in a public forum involves disclosure of your identity. If you are not comfortable disclosing publicly, we still want to support you. We are able to schedule some more discreet seminars that will not be publicly advertised and will have a limited audience. Please contact Mike Martell ( if you would like to pursue this option. Discretion assured.
Researchers of all ranks: We welcome your LGBTQ+ related research regardless of your identity.
If you are interested in attending, please indicate your interest here: here
If you re interested in presenting, please indicate your interest here: here
Please contact Mike Martell ( with any questions or feedback. You can view the details of our Spring/Summer seminar here:
For more information on CSQIEP, please see