AAG Call for Papers: Environmental Migration: Current Realities, Future Prospects
Posted: 10/10/2018 (Conference)
The American Association of Geographers 2019 Annual Meeting is welcoming papers that examine: environmental impacts on migration; environmental implications of migration; role of vulnerability and adaptive capacity (e.g. gender, socioeconomic status) in shaping environmental migration; trapped populations of potential environmental migrants; and related topics.
Scholarship on environmental migration has moved well beyond simple case studies and normative debates over terminology. Today, it features substantive theory and empirical approaches that draw upon a range of natural and social science disciplines. Geographers have been important leaders in environmental migration research over the last two decades, and continue to make cutting-edge contributions to the field. As countries and communities struggle to cope with climate change, migration will become an increasingly important feature of the adaptation landscape. This session will feature emerging and established scholars presenting their latest empirical and theoretical research on the topic, and seeks to generate active discussion of key emergent issues in the field.
Organizers: Maia Call (National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center) and Robert McLeman (Wilfrid Laurier University)
Sponsored by: Population Specialty Group and Human Dimensions of Global Change Specialty Group
Interested applicants should send abstracts of no more than 250 words to Maia Call at mcall@sesync.org and Robert McLeman at rmcleman@wlu.ca by Monday, October 22nd. Accepted applicants will be notified by Wednesday, October 25th.
Deadline: 10/22/2018
Location: American Association of Geographers 2019 Annual Meeting