Call for Papers: Methodological Advances in the Study of Health and Health Care of LGBT Populations
Posted: 10/31/2016 (Conference)
New, open access journal, Social Sciences, has a call for papers on a special issue on the methodological advances in the study of health and health care of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) populations. For the past ten years, large, representative health surveys in the United States have included sexual orientation and gender identity questions. Consequently, survey samples are larger and more representative of LGBT populations. In addition, these improved samples allow for investigations of different measures of sexual orientation and gender identity.
This Special Issue focuses on empirical and methodological papers that use LGBT samples from large, representative health surveys. Manuscripts that are appropriate for this Special Issue include, but are not limited to:
- Replication of previous studies by using improved samples to obtain more accurate estimates of health and health care outcomes of LGBT populations.
- Methodological studies that examine associations between different measures of LGBT populations and health-related outcomes.
- Studies that demonstrate statistically significant sexual orientation and gender identity disparities in health and health care outcomes that were not obtainable in previous studies.
- Studies that examine specific subgroups within these improved LGBT samples such as specific racial, ethnic, social class, gender, sexual identity, and gender identity groups.
- Studies on health and health care outcomes of LGBT populations that have not received adequate attention.
- Studies that examine contributors to health-related outcomes of LGBT populations.
Studies using representative samples of LGBT populations from local and national health surveys are welcomed. Papers can be of any length and should be written in a nontechnical style that can be read by a broad audience. The deadline for this special issue is December 31st, 2016. Open access publication fees are waived for papers submitted by the deadline.
Deadline: 12/31/2016