Call for Papers: PAA 2018
Posted: 8/29/2017 (Conference)
Call for Papers: PAA 2018 Annual Meeting
General Instructions
The Call for Papers lists topic areas, session titles, and session organizers. Submitters must specify a first choice session and have the option of specifying a second choice session.
Submissions must include the names, affiliations, and email addresses of all authors, a short abstract, and an extended abstract or full paper. In addition, submitters must identify the co-author who will present the paper or poster.
Submitting authors will receive an email containing instructions on how to manage their submission(s), as well as an email with a link to the PDF of the Extended Abstract/Full Paper submitted. Submitting authors may modify their abstract at any time between submission and the deadline, using the assigned ID# and password. All authors listed on the submission will receive an email with a link for viewing the submission.
New for #PAA2018: All presenting authors must pre-register by January 28, 2018 to confirm presentation.
More detailed instructions are available in the downloadable Call for Papers.
Deadline: 09/29/2017