Call for Submissions: CSDE Winter 2020 Biannual Trainees Lightning Talks and Poster Session
Posted: 1/17/2020 (CSDE Research)
Calling all CSDE Trainees! We would love to hear about your work at the March 13 CSDE Biannual Trainees Lightning Talks and Poster Session! Please consider submitting a brief abstract for consideration. In the session, you can:
- Get awesome feedback from an interdisciplinary set of scholars
- Make new connections with researchers working in similar areas
- Practice your presentation skills, perhaps to help you prepare for PAA or another upcoming conference
- Use it for a class that requires a poster presentation
If any (or all) of these appeal to you, you may apply by completing a short form through the this link by Wednesday, January 29, 2020. CSDE will recognize the best poster with an award and prize. Posters will be assessed based on design, content, and presentation.
Seven applicants will be chosen to give a short (~2 minute) presentation and discuss their poster with students, faculty, and other researchers in the CSDE community. Students at any stage in the research process are welcome to apply.
The Poster Session will be on Friday, March 13, 12:30-1:30 PM in Room Green A, Research Commons, Allen Library South
We look forward to hearing about all the cool research that is ongoing! Please feel free to contact Emily Pollock (Anthropology PhD Candidate) at if you have any questions.
Date: 03/13/2020
Time: 12:30 - 1:30 PM
Deadline: 01/29/2020
Location: Room Green A, Research Commons, Allen Library South