Course on Matrix Approaches to Health Demography
Posted: 1/4/2017 (Conference)
This course, taught by Hal Caswell at the max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, will introduce matrix methods for health demography, including measures of healthy longevity, disease progression, population projection, and cause-of-death analysis. We will introduce matrix methods that extend the usual analyses in two directions, by incorporating variance and stochasticity into the analyses, and including sensitivity analyses to quantify the effects of parameters on the results.
The class will introduce methods based on Markov chains, Markov chains with rewards, multistate matrix models, and matrix calculus. These methods will be compared to traditional approaches, and applied to data on prevalence of health conditions, incidence of disease and disability, population projections, and causes of death.
Although the applications will focus on human populations, all of these topics have direct (or, at least potential) applications in animal and plant demography. Biodemographers and population biologists interested in new perspectives in demographic analysis are encouraged to apply (deadline 29 January 2017).
Date: 03/13/2017
Deadline: 01/29/2017
Location: Rostock, Germany