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Equity-Focused Policy Research Funding, Income Supports for Low-Income Families with Young Children

Posted: 4/28/2019 (Funding)

Filing federal taxes is rarely a cause for celebration, but for low-income families, tax season can make or break a household’s yearly budget.

Each year, millions of working families benefit from cash assistance programs like the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) that help provide critical resources to support children’s development. The influx of income lessens family stress levels and may reduce poverty among the country’s most vulnerable. Yet, despite cash assistance program benefits, so many eligible families leave money on the table – literally.

RWJF is looking to work with researchers, state and local government agencies, and public and private sector professionals in a variety of fields to draw on their expertise to better understand why more eligible low-income families do not make use of programs like TANF and the EITC. A total of $1.5 million in funding is available for up to 10 projects that lead to better understanding of the barriers families face when attempting to access cash assistance programs. Conclusions from the studies will inform policies that ensure eligible families receive the help they need.

Grant funds will support research and evaluation of the project, with some funds allocated to communication and dissemination efforts to share findings and lessons learned broadly.

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Deadline: 05/21/2019

Location: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation