Graduate Research Assistant, UW Center for an Informed Public
Posted: 8/20/2020 (Employment)
The UW Center for an Informed Public is seeking a UW PhD student with experience in data science and social media analysis for a graduate research assistant position tracking mis- and disinformation about the US 2020 Election. The RA will work directly with CIP researchers to design and execute analysis.
This RA will participate as part of a multi-site research team, called the Election Integrity Partnership, doing real-time data analysis of social media data during the Autumn 2020 quarter. The RA may continue into Winter 2020 doing a retrospective analysis of this complex data collaboration.
The RA will be part of a rapid response team focused on quickly triaging and answering analysis requests from external partners addressing informational threats to election integrity. So we are looking for candidates who have the flexibility to respond as requests come in; this may include working non-traditional work hours.
Our team is looking for a dedicated PhD student with skills in several of the following areas: data analysis; data visualization; contextual knowledge about mis-/disinformation and conspiracy theories; strong knowledge of social media platforms/online trends; ability to use data to explain difficult concepts and tell complicated stories.
If interested, please contact Kate Starbird,