Instructor in Urban Sociology
Posted: 1/10/2017 (Employment)
Pasadena City College is hiring a full-time, tenure-track Sociology Instructor commencing with the 2017-2018 academic year. Position emphasis: Urban Sociology.
- Teach classes in a variety of areas in accordance with program and scheduling needs, including introductory sociology, urban sociology, ethnic studies, social problems, crime/delinquency and other introductory level courses.
- Participate in the evaluation, revision, and development of the curriculum.
- Participate with faculty in researching and writing program reviews.
- Participate with faculty to develop and assess student learning outcomes. Use the results to improve teaching and learning.
- Undertake the divisional and professional responsibilities of a regular faculty member.
- Participate in departmental and college governance activities through committee service and/or other appropriate activities
Deadline: 02/24/2017
Location: Pasadena City College