Join TADA-BSSR Webinar – Computational Analysis of Language and the Assessment of Suicide Risk [03-18-2021]
Posted: 3/15/2021 (Local Events)
Join this upcoming webinar on March 18, as part of CSDE’s partnership with the Training in Advanced Data Analysis for Behavioral and Social Sciences (TADA-BSSR) at NIH. Dr. Philip Resnik will discuss computational linguistics research related to the problem of suicide, raising issues connected with computational research on mental health more generally and including not only the technological angle but also questions of data access, ethical considerations, and the role of computational technologies in the mental health ecosystem. This talk, to be given remotely in the middle of a pandemic, will be about a problem that already existed long prior to COVID-19 as a kind of international pandemic in its own right. Suicide has a worldwide death toll approaching 800,000 people per year worldwide, and in the U.S. in 2016 it became the second leading cause of death among those aged 10-34. Now compounding these existing problems is an “echo pandemic” of suicide and mental illness emerging in the wake of COVID-19, as people struggle with isolation, stress, and sustained disruptions of day to day life. To join through Videocast, click here.