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Kam Wing Chan Uses Interactive Migration Maps to Explore the Future of Mega Cities

Posted: 4/30/2018 (CSDE in the News)

By 2100, at least 10 cities are projected to have populations that exceed 50 million. How will this change take shape – and how will it impact society? The latest issue of Ensia tackled this question – and the authors used migration maps from CSDE Affiliate Kam Wing Chan, Professor of Geography, to share their story.

The article draws on research from demographers Daniel Hoornweg and Kevin Pope, who posit that “humanity is now an urban species,” and that developing countries need to prepare for a growing urban migration over the course of the next century. They conclude that “Efforts to improve city governance and urban management are urgently needed, especially in regions where current levels of service provision are already poor, yet cities are expected to grow markedly.”

To read the article – and see Chan’s mapping – click below.

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