Lecturer in Demography Posted: 10/10/2017 (Employment) The School of Demography is seeking a Lecturer in the field of Demography. The successful candidate will have a strong track record and demonstrated potential for excellence in research and publication in demography and will contribute towards the School’s research agenda, generate external funding and research grants and consultancies, and in expanding its teaching programs and undertaking graduate supervision. The level of appointment will depend on qualifications and experience. The School of Demography is situated within the Research School of Social Sciences and has the largest concentration of demographers in Australia actively engaged in a broad range of demographic research areas, including fertility, family formation and change; mortality, longevity and ageing; international and internal migration; and demographic modelling and forecasting. Visit the following link to learn more and apply: http://jobs.anu.edu.au/cw/en/job/518003/lecturer Applications close on November 17, 2017 (AUS Eastern Standard time). Read Full Article Deadline: 11/17/2017 Location: Australian National University