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Medical Anthropology & Global Health Speaker Series: Cost of Care Conversations in Health Care

Posted: 11/14/2017 (Local Events)

Abstract: As medical care costs have increasingly shifted to patients, patients face unanticipated out of pocket costs that place them at risk for financial hardship and poor health outcomes. Timely access to costs of care can help patients with treatment and expense planning, facilitate connections to financial assistance resources, and is an important part of patient-centered care. Many studies suggest that patients want their health care teams to communicate with them about health care costs. However, initiatives to help patients understand and manage out of pocket costs requires clinicians, teams, patients, and health plan staff to interact with each other and with technology in new ways, and best practices for embedding cost and value information into existing clinical workflows remain unresolved. This presentation will discuss an ongoing research portfolio seeking solutions for meeting our patients’ needs.

Dr. Nora Henrikson is a Research Associate at Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute, in Seattle. She is also an Affiliate Assistant Professor in the department of Health Services in the School of Public Health, at the University of Washington.  She completed a PhD in Public Health at the School of Public Health and Community Medicine, at the University of Washington. Dr. Henrikson holds a Master of Public Health from the University of North Carolina. At Kaiser Permanente Research Institute, she carries out multiple projects that, in broad terms, examine people’s experiences with and perceptions of health policies that affect them and their families when seeking health services. In a recent project, she studies ways to improve price transparency for Kaiser Permanente Washington members and their clinicians in cancer care, and how to facilitate conversations about the costs of health services. Dr. Henrikson’s work has appeared in Genetic MedicineJournal of the National Cancer Institute, and Journal of Oncology Practice, among other journals and edited volumes.

Next speaker: 6 December– James Pfeiffer, University of Washington

For more information about the lecture series, please contact coordinator Marieke van Eijk (

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Date: 11/15/2017

Time: 3:30-4:50 PM

Location: Kane Hall, Room 110