Martha H. Duggan Fellowship in Labor Studies
Posted: 6/5/2017 (Funding)
This Labor Studies Fellowship was created in 2004 to honor the memory of Martha H. Duggan, who died on July 24, 2003. Marty provided essential support to her husband, Robert Duggan, as he pursued his law degree. This fellowship acknowledges that Bob Duggan’s life work would have been impossible without the caring labor of his life partner. Marty and Bob were both staunch supporters of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union and associates of the great ILWU leader, Harry Bridges. After Harry’s death in 1990, they became founding supporters of the Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies.
The fellowship shall be awarded to any graduate student who has demonstrated academic merit. Preference for the award shall be given to graduate students committed to researching or serving those who provided caring labor, or who themselves have provided caring labor or assisted partners or other family members in gaining advanced education.
The fellowship may be awarded to a student in any field as long as her or his work has a focus on labor.
The fellowship winner must demonstrate high academic achievement and be enrolled at the UW for the upcoming Autumn Quarter. The fellowship has a value of $10,000 to be applied to tuition costs or provide support for living expenses, books, fees, and other educational expenses. Duggan fellows will consult with the Coordinator of the Bridges Center regarding the allocation of funds. The fellowship must be used within two years of receiving the award and while the student is still active at the University of Washington.
The Duggan fellow will be asked to assist the Bridges Chair in maintaining the focus on caring labor as a visible and ongoing part of the Center’s program. This might involve the identification and invitation of an important speaker in this field, or it may involve developing an activity (such as a conference or workshop) where scholars, practitioners, and/or activists who are concerned with caring labor can meet and exchange ideas. Additional funds may be available from the Bridges Center to be used by the Duggan fellow in these pursuits.
Deadline: 06/12/2017