Network Modeling for Epidemics
Posted: 4/11/2017 (Local Events)
Network Modeling for Epidemics (NME) is a 5-day short course at the University of Washington that provides an introduction to stochastic network models for infectious disease transmission dynamics, with a focus on empirically based modeling of HIV transmission. It is a ”hands-on” course, using the EpiModel software package in R ( EpiModel provides a unified framework for statistically based modeling of dynamic networks from empirical data, and simulation of epidemic dynamics on these networks. It has a flexible open-source platform for learning and building several types of epidemic models: deterministic compartmental, stochastic individual-based, and stochastic network models. Resources include simple models that run in a browser window, built-in generic models that provide basic control over population contact patterns, pathogen properties and demographics, and templates for user-programmed modules that allow EpiModel to be extended to the full range of pathogens, hosts, and disease dynamics for advanced research.
This course will touch on the deterministic and individual-based models, but its primary focus is on the theory, methods and application of network models. The course uses mornings for lectures, and afternoons for labs with students working in small groups. On the final day, students have the option of developing an EpiModel prototype for their own research projects, with input from the instructors, which includes the lead EpiModel software developer, Dr. Samuel Jenness.
Returning students: We encourage previous attendees with active modeling projects to apply to return for a refresher course. The EpiModel package has been significantly enhanced over the last few years. Returning students with active projects will have the opportunity to work with course instructors to address key challenges in the design of their network model code.
Dates and location:
The course will be taught from Monday, August 14 to Friday, August 18 on the University of Washington campus in Seattle.
Application dates and decision dates:
- May 1: Fellowship application deadline. Decisions will be made by May 15.
- June 1: General application deadline. Applications will continue to be accepted on a rolling basis until this date. Decisions will be made by June 15.
Course fee is $500. Travel and accommodation costs are the responsibility of the participant, although discounted hotel rates will be available. We offer a limited number of fellowships for pre-doctoral students or for attendees from low income countries; these cover waiver of the registration fee only (travel and accommodation are still the responsibility of the fellowship recipient).
Apply online at
Course website and more information:
Date: 08/14/2017
Time: Summer Quarter
Deadline: 05/01/2017
Location: University of Washington