*New* Apply for Harry Bridges Center WA State Labor Research Grants (5/22/25)
Posted: 3/24/2025 ()
Each year, the Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies seeks proposals for policy-oriented research directly relevant to policymakers in Washington State. All University of Washington faculty, full-time lecturers, and UW graduate students sponsored by a faculty member are eligible to apply.
Up to $15,000 is available for each grant. Depending on available funding, awards may include a tuition waiver for graduate employees. Please note this waiver does not extend to students in fee-based programs. Proposals requesting funding for student salaries will be given priority.
We also ask researchers to consider and address the following in their proposals, as appropriate:
Please address how your project will use ethical research methods, including identifying the relationships you have with the population(s) you’re proposing to study and your positionality to the research process and research project.
If applicable, will research participants and participating organizations provide input on your proposed methods before the study begins? Will they review the findings before they are publicly available? Will contributors, including interviewees, be compensated?
Proposals on the following topics will receive priority:
- Race and/or gender as they pertain to labor and workforce issues.
- Aspects of labor force employment, wages, conditions (including health and pension benefits), and/or unionization.
- Local policies to address the impacts of trade, outsourcing, off-shoring subcontracting, automation, or technology.
- Policies of unions and professional organizations to expand or preserve marketable skills and quality production.
- Problems facing contingent, casual, or gig workers, and employment-related aspects of poverty and/or discrimination.
- Historical work that has a direct impact on contemporary policy.
- International case studies and/or comparative research relevant to Washington State.
A subcommittee of the Standing Committee and staff of the Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies will select the Washington State Labor Research Grant recipients, who will be announced at the Bridges Center’s annual awards celebration. Learn more here.