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*New* CSSS Seminar on the “Political Economy of the Ordinal Society” (3/12/25)

Posted: 3/7/2025 (Local Events)

Today, the personal data we give in exchange for convenient tools like Gmail and Instagram provides the raw material for predictions about everything from our purchasing power to our character. Fueled by digital technologies, the infrastructure of the internet, and the rapid expansion of computer processing power, scores and metrics pervade our lives — streamlining and automating processes of communication, risk prediction, resource allocation, transaction, labor control and decision-making. In this talk, Marion Fourcade (Professor of Sociology, UC Berkeley) will discuss her work with Kieran Healy that argues that the disaggregation of social activities into data streams transforms the process of capital accumulation and facilitates a deeper integration of financial logics into everyday life. It also sustains the rise of insidious forms of social competition, moral judgment, and inequality. See below for details on how to attend.


409 Savery Hall

Zoom Link:

Dial In: +1 206 337 9723 (US)
One tap mobile: +12063379723,,91889204671# (US)

Meeting ID: 918 8920 4671
