*New* Data from IPUMs
Posted: 12/7/2023 ()
IPUMs is excited to announce the release of the 2022 1-year data from the American Community Survey (ACS) through IPUMS USA and IPUMS NHGIS. There are also new data from IPUMS MTUS, IPUMS CPS, and IPUMS USA. Links to all new data are in the full story!
IPUMS NHGISNHGIS has added the 2022 1-Year ACS Summary File, including over 1,400 data tables for geographic areas with 65,000 or more residents.
IPUMS TIME USEsee the revision history. IPUMS CPSOctober CPS basic monthly data are now available. IPUMS USA New data available on IPUMS USA include:
The 2022 ATUS is now available via MTUS as are data from seven countries from the 1960s. For all revisions to IPUMS MTUS,- 2022 1-year ACS and Puerto Rico Community Survey microdata, including some new geography variables that use the 2023 definitions for metropolitan statistical areas and updates to existing variables based on 2020 PUMA definitions.
- RACHSING (historically compatible race/ethnicity identification) for the 2020 and 2021 ACS
- Refreshed 1850-1880 full count data including improvements to geography, nativity, and occupation.