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Ending Human Trafficking in an Era of Globalization Conference, UW Women’s Center (9/5/24)

Posted: 8/22/2024 ()

The Ending Human Trafficking in an Era of Globalization International conference will be held on September 5th, 2024 at the University of Washington’s Intellectual House. Keynote and panel topics will cover some of the anti-human trafficking movement’s most pressing modern problems and will be conducive to policy development on the domestic and international scale. Topics will include digital & artificial intelligence in relation to human trafficking, forced migration, climate change, vulnerable populations, and healthcare. Register here.

Note: No profit will be generated. The registration fee covers all meals and other conference costs.

If you are a student or in need of financial aid, please email before filling out the registration form!



The conference will aim to assess the effects of modern-day problems on the anti-human trafficking movement as well as give space for service providers, legislators, government officials, and researchers to participate in the discourse around the issue. We will tackle modern-day topics such as digital and artificial intelligence, environment and climate change-related issues, forced migration, healthcare, and vulnerable populations as they relate to human trafficking.

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Date: 09/05/2024

Time: 9:00 AM - 7:00PM

Location: Intellectual House