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New NIH Notice of Special Interest

Posted: 6/3/2022 (Funding)

The National Institutes of Health has issued this Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Climate Change and Health.

Multiple Institutes/Centers are participating. More specifically, topics of interest to NICHD include research on:

  • Measurement and surveillance of the impact of climate change on health and NICHD priority populations, including pregnant women, children, and people with disabilities
  • Effects of climate change on population dynamics including fertility, mortality and morbidity, and population movement, distribution, and composition
  • Data collection on how climate change affects the health, development, and productivity of NICHD priority populations using population-based demographic or economic approaches and scientifically valid probability samples
  • Impact of climate change on reproductive health; infertility; and maternal, prenatal, pregnancy, and child health; child development; and disability.
  • Interactions between climate change and land use and their effects on population dynamics and the health of NICHD priority populations
  • The nexus of climate, food systems and health including the impact of climate change on sustainable and resilient food systems and the ability to meet public health goals, including dietary guidance, especially infant feeding practices.
  • The intersection of climate and vector-born disease (susceptibility to and treatment of) and their impacts on outcomes such as migration and nutrition status among NICHD priority populations
  • The impact of climate on pre-existing food insecurity and resulting intervention choices to address child or family malnutrition (over-/under nutrition) particularly in low-resource settings in the United States and globally, as well as reciprocity between food insecurity and climate

Applications can be submitted under multiple funding opportunities listed at the link. This notice applies to due dates on or after July 8, 2022 and subsequent receipt dates through May 8, 2025.

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