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Sloan Foundation Issues Call for Letters of Inquiry (3/25/25)

Posted: 3/13/2025 (Funding)

The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation’s Energy and Environment program has a call for Letters of Inquiry related to Interdisciplinary Social Science Research on Energy System Interactions in the United States.  This call seeks research projects led by early- and mid-career scholars that analyze the systemic interactions and connections associated with the transition to a low-carbon economy in the United States. The call encourages the submission of research project ideas that examine the links and implications between different components of the energy system and how they relate to other aspects of the economy. It is expected that 4-6 grants will be awarded from the Call, and grant amounts are expected to be between $500,000 and $1,000,000 over a 2-4 year period, with start dates of December 1, 2025. Submissions are due on Tuesday, March 25, 2025, at 5:00pm ET.