Next Generation Humanities PhD
Posted: 4/11/2017 (Funding)
The Simpson Center invites proposals for a new initiative, Next Generation Humanities PhD. We advise potential applicants to be in touch with the Simpson Center—either the director or the assistant director—with your ideas for a grant in this category.
We request that proposals not duplicate support available through the Mellon-funded program Reimagining the Humanities PhD and Reaching New Publics.
1. Proposal Narratives (limit eight pages) should address:
- Near-term and long-term project goals
- Participating persons and/ units and what they will contribute to the project
- Activities to be funded
- Anticipated outcomes
- Scholarly, public, and/or institutional significance
2. Budget should detail how requested funds will be used (for research, hourly pay for students, stipends or honoraria, travel, accommodations, curricular or promotional materials, hospitality, and facilities rentals), as well as other confirmed and anticipated sources of support.
3. C.V. Include a curriculum vitae for each organizer. Limit five pages per organizer.
Deadline: 04/28/2017