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NIH/OBSSR: Administrative Supplements to NIH-funded T32 and TL1 Training Grants to Better Integrate Behavioral and Social Sciences (BSS) with other Health-Related Sciences

Posted: 11/17/2019 (Funding)

OBSSR is interested in supporting the integration of health-related behavioral and social sciences (BSS) with other biomedical methodological and scientific disciplines (e.g., genetics, immunology, metabolomics, molecular biology, microbiome, biochemistry, or physiological sciences).  The goal is to train a research workforce that has the content expertise and skills to meaningful address gaps in scientific advancement that are not well served by a more siloed approach to research. To support this goal, the OBSSR is soliciting applications for a one-time administrative supplement to existing NIH T32 and TL1 training grants for the addition of activities that support the acquisition of expertise and skills that are foundational to conducting multidisciplinary science that integrates BSS with biomedical approaches, methods, paradigms, and outcomes. Activities may include components to better prepare students for research careers in a variety of venues, such as industry, government, or entrepreneurial enterprises. Applicants are encouraged to develop components that can be easily shared with other training programs. Applicants might respond to this announcement by adding curricula from biomedical disciplines to T32s and TL1s that are primarily focused on BSS or by adding BSS curricula to T32s and TL1s that are primarily focused on biomedical sciences. Additions to existing grants should have the goal of developing skills and expertise in integrated and multidisciplinary research. The cross-discipline curricula added to a T32 or TL1 could focus on training in discipline-specific methods, measurement approaches, research paradigms, and/or discipline specific subject matter expertise.

Applicants should note that this NOSI provides an opportunity to request only one year of support, and the funds from this supplement must be expended during the 12-month budget period of the award. Some NIH institutes may have restrictions on the year in which the award can be made, so please consult with your program officer. Application budgets are limited to no more than $80,000 direct costs or the amount of the current parent award, and must reflect the actual needs of the proposed project.

Applicants should also note that funds from this supplement are for added curricula development and implementation and are not intended to support additional trainee slots, nor should the funds be used to support faculty salaries.

First Available Due Date: January 25, 2020

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Deadline: 01/25/2020